Note About Cooking Matters Transition: Salesforce will be accessible until September 30, 2024. During this period, users can enter information and retrieve reports and historical data. Adding programs to Salesforce and generating a program code for each one is an integral step in accessing participant survey results. However, Share Our Strength no longer requires organizations to enter information in Salesforce as a means of reporting on activity.

To help keep things clear, Salesforce automatically generates a unique identification number (program code) any time a new program record is created.

Previously, some partners manually generated course or tour codes, according to their organization’s partner code and additional numeric coding that they assigned to their host agencies. Now, all partners will use the program code automatically generated by Salesforce.  Partners will no longer use their own numeric systems to create program codes. The automatic generation of unique identification numbers by Salesforce streamlines the creation of program records. They appear in the Program Code field of records and use the following conventions:

  • The Program Code for any course record starts with a “C.”
  • The Program Code for any tour record starts with a “T.”
  • The Program Code for any outreach event record starts with an “R.”
  • The Program Code for any other educational activity starts with an “E.”

The Program Code plays a key role in identifying participant surveys, as well as program records. The Program Code is the first piece of information entered on the e-survey during survey completion. It becomes the first alpha-numeric sequence in a participant survey’s Unique ID when it gets associated with a course or tour record in Salesforce. In the course example above, the Unique ID would be automatically generated as C088874-Participant Zip Code-Participant Initials (e.g., C088874-02532-CHC).

Program records with codes that were manually generated before the switch to Lightning will remain searchable in Salesforce.

Once created, you cannot delete program records, but you can update their status to canceled. 

Cancelling Programming 


You can cancel programming before it begins for any reason using the “cancel program” option on the program’s record. Cancelled program information will remain in Salesforce for eighteen months before deletion. 

For courses in session: Instead of cancelling the program you have the option to convert the record type from “course” to “other educational activity” by selecting the “update record type” option on the program’s record.